Maggi Weston

Maggi Weston

Member, Freestyle Advisory Board of Photographic Professionals


Born in England, and raised in South Africa, Maggi Weston initially came to the United States to perform on the New York stage. It was through this early love of theater that she first met Cole Weston, the son of Edward. The two were married and had a son, Matthew. After twelve years, they divorced, and shortly afterward, she took the bold step of opening a gallery in Carmel. Maggi's close friendship with Ansel Adams placed her in a unique position as his exclusive dealer, a circumstance which was of great help in establishing the gallery which is still known today as a leader in the field. However, it was her own unerring instinct and eye, and her understanding of the field of fine art photography from its beginnings, which has ensured her success and won her the trust of same of the most influential and important collectors in the world. From its inception, the Weston Gallery has been dedicated to the recognition of photography as a fine art, of equal importance and influence with painting, sculpture, printmaking and the other traditional fine arts. The specialization in Fine 19th and 20th century photographs reflects this awareness. Weston Gallery has been actively buying and selling fine photographs and related works of art for more than 26 years. They have paid careful attention to the important, sometimes pivotal images which have been created over the years and we have placed emphasis on these works in presenting photographs to its clients. In stressing respect for the tradition of the avant-garde, whether they were showing vintage or contemporary photographs, they have always sought and shown the finest examples. From the 19th century the Weston Gallery has specialized in the works of Talbot, Hill, Fenton, Cameron, Tripe, Emerson, F.H. Evans, Le Gray, Marville, Cuvelier, Baldus, Negre, Watkins, and Muybridge, to name just a few. The 20th Century collection includes works by masters such as Atget, Stieglitz, Strand, Steichen, Moholy-Nagy, Man Ray, Adams, Edward Weston, Brandt, Kertesz, and Sudek and the modem masters such as Frank, Smith, Karsh, Sommer, Penn, CaIIahan and Brett Weston. Important contemporary photographers whose work we show are Mapplethorpe, Serrano, Gibson, Kasten, Kenna, Uelsmann, Misrach, Parker, Citret, Dresser, Pickford, and Hooper, among others. Weston Gallery is the exclusive agent for the Ansel Adams Publishing Rights Trust in offering the Ansel Adams Museum Set Edition Prints. In 1978, three years after Ansel had stopped printing for the general public, Maggi Weston and Ansel worked together to realize his dream of making his most important images available to a wider audience than might be reached through private collections. Today only a few of the Museum Sets are still available, the original sets having been sold to such prominent institutions as Boston University, Comell University, Princeton University, Stanford Art Museum, the Museum of Modem Art in New York and San Francisco, and the National Gallery in Washington, D.C. The Weston Gallery also represents certain interests of the estates of Edward Weston and Paul Strand and is the exclusive agent for Yousef Karsh.

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