Don't Shoot | 66 Reasons NOT to Become a Professional Photographer By S. Dirk Schafer

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DON'T SHOOT | 66 Reasons NOT to Become a Professional Photographer is a humorous and snarky look at the commercial photography business written by S. Dirk Schafer.

Chock full of quotes by famous photographers, and stories about the process of establishing a business in an era when everyone is a photographer. Written for both veteran photographers and those thinking about venturing into the business of picture making part-time or full-time. If your friends tell you you're "a natural" or have "a great eye," all that means is you take better pictures than they do, and that's the crappiest foundation for a career ever.

DON'T SHOOT is a brutal (and funny) book about all the twiddly bits that go into succeeding as a professional photographer. The book covers relationships, ethics, gear, contracts, branding, copyrights, working for free, perseverance, portfolios, style, critiques and what to expect from galleries, schools, spouses, clients, assistants, workshops and more! But don't call yet, it's all served up in a crunchy shell of humor and sarcasm. Wheee!

Who's Dirk Schafer? He's a pretty good photographer ... people pay him for pictures now ... but that wasn't always the case. You've never heard of him because he's one of thousands of average professional photographers in the world. But here's the secret: If you're lucky and successful, someday you'll be an average professional photographer too (maybe you'll even be above average, but don't get ahead of yourself).

Hardcover - 6 x 6 inches, 160 pages.
ISBN-13: 978-0982370742


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