Jobo 2500 series tanks are made of break resistant plastic. For quick handling, the lid is fastened to the tank base with a push-down sealing ring.
The light tight labyrinth system of the lid allows fast filling and pouring-out of solutions.
Jobo developing tanks have the dual benefit of conventional use tanks and for Jobo rotary processors.
If you want to use a Jobo film tank with the processor, such as the Jobo CPP3 Processor you will need a magnet that you press onto the tank base or a cog if you use the tank on a Jobo Processor with the optional Jobo lift.
Jobo 1500 series tanks have narrow gauged reels to reduce chemistry consumption verse the 2500 series thanks that use a wider gauged reels and accepts sheet film reels as well.
The Jobo Multi Tank 5 is a 2500 series universal tank for roll and sheet film processing. It does not include a reel but works with Jobo 2502 Duo Set reels for roll film and Jobo 2509N Sheet film reels.
EAN: | 4022124025505 |
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Darkroom Accessories
Darkroom Accessories
Darkroom Accessories