Adox FX-39 II Film Developer - 500 ml

  • $11.49
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Manufacturer: Adox
Manufacturer ID: 33830
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For sharp images with excellent contrast control.

FX-39 II is based on Willi Beutler´s formula for Neofin Red, but was further developed by Geoffrey Crawley. Makes very good use of the film’s full ISO-rating. It’s possible to double the film's ISO by adjusting the development times. FX-39 II can be used in various dilutions in order to develop low-sensitivity films with at least 6-minutes developing time. Especially good for films up to 200 ASA.

Well suited for school-photography because of the high equalizing power, low toxicity (no GLS labeling necessary) and easy of use (liquid concentrated one shot developer).

Standard dilution is 1+9 used as a “one shot” developer.

At 1+14 the time should be multiplied by 1.5 and at dilutions of 1+19 develop for twice as long as with the standard dilution.

If you want the finest grain possible then developers like Adox Atomal are the optimal solution. FX-39 harmonizes excellently especially with all low and medium speed films. In the ISO 400/27° class the best results are obtained with Kodak Tri-X, Kodak T-Max 400, Ilford Delta 400 and Fuji Neopan 400. If needed FX-39 can also be used for increasing film speed by 1 stop (push processing).


  • High equalizing power
  • Low toxicity (no GLS labeling necessary)
  • Ease of use (liquid concentrated one shot developer)
  • Standard dilution is 1+9 used as a “one shot” developer
  • At 1+14 the time should be multiplied by 1.5 and at dilutions of 1+19 develop for twice as long as with the standard dilution
  • 500ml developer concentrate
  • Possible to trade compensating effect for film speed in a certain range
EAN: 4260243552223
Chemical Type BW Film Developer
Liquid/Powder Liquid
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