• 800-292-6137
  • We stock the largest selection of black & white and color film in the country.

Fotokemika Efke KB50 iso 50
35mm x 100 ft.

Currently Unavailable
Efke films are manufactured using classic emulsions with very high silver content. This results in a large grayscale reproduction. The Efke 25, 50 and 100 films are made using the ADOX formulas that were first introduced back in the late 1940s.

Unlike modern flat crystal films, which are very unforgiving to use, these films allow beginners to produce quality images. The nature of the film also easily allows large, grain free, enlargements to be made from negatives.


  • Traditional Black and White Film
  • 35mm x 100 foot roll for bulk loading
  • Do NOT over-expose Efke Emulsions! This film is not recommended for push processing.
  • Treat the wet emulsion with extreme care. We recommend the use of hardener in the stop bath or fixer.
  • Never use a stop-bath with a higher concentration than 2% -- in fact, we recommend the use of plain water in place of a stop bath.
  • Efke 35mm films (KB) are coated on a polyester base (100 microns plus coating).
If exposed to film's regular speed of ISO 50, the following developing times apply:

Kodak D76/ID-11 = 7 Minutes

If ISO 50 film is exposed to ISO 100 for increased speed and optimum differentiation of highlights, the following developing times apply:

Kodak D76/ID-11 = 9-10 Minutes

Excellent for processing as a B&W slide using dr5 B&W chrome processing services! Freestyle customers get a 10% discount on their B&W film reversal processing when using dr5.

Click here for more information on using Efke 100 for B&W Slides and for processing services.

EAN: 3850140058105
Film Size 35mm
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