Formerly known as Selectachrome
Tones Black-and-White Prints Any Color
Unlike single-color toners, Polytoner can tone prints any color you desire. Polytoner uses true color-coupling chemistry: It tones the black image to color without affecting the background highlights. (Effect: A black tree against a white sky is toned with Polytoner green. The sky stays white, the tree becomes green.) Polytoner can be used with all black & white photographic papers and with Liquid Light prints. The package contains red, yellow and blue color couplers together in dropper bottles so that colors can be blended together to tone prints any color or combination of colors.
UPC: | 798162002009 |
Chemical Type | Toners |
instruction | Rockland Polytoner Instructions |
msds | Rockland Polytoner SDS |
Black and White Chemicals
Black and White Chemicals