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This gift set is available for a limited time and only while supplies last!
Surprise the photographer in your life (or yourself!) with this set of 120 size film and FREE case!
CineStill 800T 120 - 1 Roll
Great when rated ISO 200-2000! Can be pushed over 3000! CineStill 800T is a unique film for still photographers. This 800 speed tungsten balanced color negative film is prepared from the same motion picture material used by top cinematographers around the world. This film is designed for difficult low light tungsten situations and may be used in many different lighting situations to achieve a variety of looks.
CineStill 50D 120 - 2 Rolls
Boasted to be the world’s finest grain film, CineStill 50D is an ISO 50/18° speed daylight balanced (5500K) motion picture emulsion. Technology borrowed from from Hollywood's wunderkind, Kodak 50D, prepped and rolled for safe C-41 standard development as an ISO 50 film.
CineStill BWXX 120 - 2 Rolls
A classic panchromatic black and white negative film for both outdoor and indoor/studio use. Akin to the legendary Kodak Plus-X & Tri-X emulsions, it is an excellent choice for all those looking for a classic film stock with top-level performance and versatility in a variety of conditions. It can be rated up to ISO 1600 with the appropriate processing compensation. Ideal for low light situations.
Japan Camera Hunter 120 Hard Case BLACK - 1 Case
The Japan Camera Hunter 120 Film Hard Case are made from a durable and tough plastic, that will keep your films safe from the elements, but most importantly from light. They are lightweight and small enough that you can fit into your bag without taking up too much space.
Film Size | 120 |
Color Negative Film
Color Negative Film
Darkroom Accessories
Color Negative Film